Residential property owners who experience severe damage to their homes as a result of a catastrophic event are eligible to receive a home improvement exemption of up to $75,000.

This exemption is available when a residential structure is rebuilt after a catastrophic event. The exemption applies to the difference between the increased value of the rebuilt structure and the value of the structure before the catastrophic event.

The residential structure must be rebuilt within two years after the catastrophic event. The exemption will continue for four years following completion or until the next reassessment, whichever is later.

Catastrophic events are defined as severe damage or loss of property resulting from any catastrophic cause including but not limited to fire, flood, earthquake, wind, storm, explosion or extended periods of severe inclement weather. In the case of flooding, the structure must be located within a jurisdiction which is participating in the National Flood Insurance Program.

To file for a Catastrophic Event Exemption, the property owner or authorized representative must complete a Residential Assessed Valuation Appeal form.

Along with the appeal form, it is necessary to submit the following materials:

  • a written description of the damages and the dates when damages occurred,
  • the estimated date of completion for repairs or rebuilding, and
  • all pertinent records such as photographs, insurance reports, building permits and occupancy certificates.

Appeal forms and documentation may be filed by mail or in person.

An appeal may only be filed while the Assessor’s Office is accepting appeals for your township.

What are the guidelines for appeals due to flood or a catastrophic event?