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Property tax saving exemption applications are now available.
Homeowners can determine if their exemptions automatically renew this year. New homeowners and those that need to reapply can now do so online.
NACo Award Winners
In this month's edition of Racial Equity and Real Estate Conversations, Assessor Kaegi has a candid conversation with Chicago urban historian, Shermann "Dilla" Thomas.
Affordable Housing Programs
The Affordable Housing Special Assessment Program incentivizes the rehabilitation and new construction of multi-family residential properties to create and maintain affordable housing.
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The Cook County Assessor's Office has added two webpages that offer guidance on existing valuation policies governing demolition and prop
Attests as follows: (state pertinent facts regarding documents relevant to the appeal, such as date photographs were taken.
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This filing is only for agencies such as non-profit organizations such as municipalities, hospitals, and schools.
Racial Equity and Real Estate Conversations: Advancing Latino Homeownership